0100 [00:38:18] "I spent the summer devising a whole new quidditch program. We are going to train earlier, harder and longer. What...I don't believe it. Where do you think you are going, Flint?" (Oliver Wood)
0200 [00:38:35] "Quidditch practice. " (Marcus Flint)
0300 [00:38:37] "I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today. " (Oliver Wood)
0400 [00:38:40] "Easy, Wood. I've got a note. " (Marcus Flint)
0500 [00:38:44] "Uh-oh, I smell a trouble. " (Ron Weasley)
0600 [00:38:47] "I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train the new seeker. You've got a new seeker. Who?" (Oliver Wood)
hereby: これによってowing to: ~のせいで、~のおかげで
0700 [00:39:04] "Malfoy?" (Harry Potter)
0800 [00:39:05] "That's right. That's not all that new this year. " (Draco Malfoy)
0900 [00:39:12] "Those are Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those? " (Ron Weasley)
1000 [00:39:15] "The gift from Draco's father. " (Marcus Flint)
1100 [00:39:17] "You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best. " (Draco Malfoy)
1200 [00:39:21] "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got it on pure talent. " (Hermione Granger)
buy one's way in: 裏口入学する、金を払って〜する1300 [00:39:31] "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood. " (Draco Malfoy)
1400 [00:39:36] "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs. " (Ron Weasley)
slug: ナメクジ1500 [00:39:49] "Are you okay, Ron? Say something. " (Hermione Granger)
1600 [00:40:04] "Wow, can you turn him around, Harry?" (Colin Creevey)
1700 [00:40:06] "No, Colin, get out of the way. Let's take him to Hagrid's. He'll know what to do. " (Harry Potter)
1800 [00:40:26] "Wo, this calls for a specialist's equipment. Nothing to do but wait till it stops I'm afraid. " (Hagrid the Giant)
call for: 〜が必要である1900 [00:40:38] "Better out than in. Who is Ron trying to curse, anyway?" (Hagrid the Giant)
2000 [00:40:42] "Malfoy. He called Hermione...um, well, I don't...I don't know exactly what it means. " (Harry Potter)
2100 [00:40:53] "He called me Mudblood. " (Hermione Granger)
2200 [00:40:55] "He did not. " (Hagrid the Giant)
2300 [00:40:56] "What's mudblood?" (Harry Potter)
2400 [00:40:58] "It means dirty blood. Mudblood is a really foul name for someone who is Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation. " (Hermione Granger)
2500 [00:41:12] "See, the thing is, Harry, there are some wizards like the Malfoy family who think they are better than everyone else because they are what people call pure blood. " (Hagrid the Giant)
2600 [00:41:21] "That's horrible. " (Harry Potter)
2700 [00:41:25] "It's disgusting. " (Ron Weasley)
2800 [00:41:27] "And it's codswallop to boot. Dirty blood. Why there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less. More to the point, they have yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can't do. Come here. Don't you think on it, Hermione. Don't you think on it for one minute. Eh?" (Hagrid the Giant)
boot: 吐く、もどすcodswallop: たわ言、ばかばかしこと
have yet to: まだ~していない
more to the point: さらに重要なことに、より端的に言えば
think on: 思い巡らす、思い出す
2900 [00:41:54] "Harry, Harry, Harry. Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention by helping me to answer my fan mail?" (Gideroy Lockhart)
3000 [00:42:06] "Not really. " (Harry Potter)
3100 [00:42:08] "Fame is a fickle frined, Harry. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that. " (Gideroy Lockhart)
fickle: 気まぐれな3200 [00:42:19] "Come...come...come to me. Come to me. " (voice)
3300 [00:42:30] "What?" (Harry Potter)
3400 [00:42:31] "Sorry?" (Gideroy Lockhart)
3500 [00:42:34] "That voice. " (Harry Potter)
3600 [00:42:36] "Voice? " (Gideroy Lockhart)
3700 [00:42:41] "Didn't you hear it?" (Harry Potter)
3800 [00:42:43] "What are you talking about, Harry? I think we are getting a bit, uh...drowsy. And, Great Scott, no wonder. Look at the time. We have been here nearly four hours. Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun. Heh, heh. " (Gideroy Lockhart)
drowsy: 眠いGreat Scott: なんてこった、まさか、そんなばかな
spooky: 薄気味悪い、不気味な
3900 [00:43:01] "Spooky." (Harry Potter)