0100 [00:58:26] "Thank you. " (Harry Potter)
0200 [00:58:27] "Are you okay?" (Hermione Granger)
0300 [00:58:28] "No, I think my...I think my arm's broken. " (Harry Potter)
0400 [00:58:30] "Not to worry, Harry. I will fix that arm of yours straight away." (Gideroy Lockhart)
0500 [00:58:33] "No. Not you." (Harry Potter)
0600 [00:58:35] "Poor boy doesn't know what he is saying. Now, this won't hurt a bit. Brackium emendo." (Gideroy Lockhart)
0700 [00:59:00] "Ah, yes, well, ha...that can sometimes happen, um, but, uh, the point is, uh, you can no longer feel any pain. And, heh, very clearly the bones are not broken." (Gideroy Lockhart)
0800 [00:59:11] "Broken? There is no bones left." (Hagrid the Giant)
0900 [00:59:16] "Much more flexible, though." (Gideroy Lockhart)
1000 [00:59:18] "Uhh, uhhh. " (Draco Malfoy)
1100 [00:59:20] "Oh, Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss. You can go. Out of my way. Out of my way. Should have been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back...." (Madam Pomfrey)
fuss: 空騒ぎ、大騒ぎin a heartbeat: 直ちに
Should have been brought straight to me.: 「should have + 過去分詞」は「〜するべきだっだ (けれどもしなかった)」です。受動態の文ですが、わかりやすく能動態で日本語にすると「すぐに私のところに連れてくれば良かったのに (余計なことをして)」です。
1200 [00:59:31] "You will be able to, won't you?" (Hermione Granger)
1300 [00:59:33] "Well, I will be able to certainly. But it will be painful. You are in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business. " (Madam Pomfrey)
be in for: きっと (困難を) 経験するだろう1400 [00:59:46] "Oh, what do you expect. Pumpkin juice?" (Madam Pomfrey)
1500 [00:59:56] "Kill. Kill. Time to kill." (voice)
1600 [01:00:14] "Hello." (Dobby)
1700 [01:00:17] "Dobby." (Harry Potter)
1800 [01:00:18] "Harry Potter should have listened to Dobby. Harry Potter should have gone back home when he missed the train." (Dobby)
should have + 過去分詞: 「should have + 過去分詞」は「〜するべきだった (だけどしなかった)」です。should have listened to Dobby は「ドビーのことを聞いていれば良かったのに (言うことを聞かないからこうなるんだ)」ですし、should have gone back home は「帰ればよかったのに (帰らないでこんなところに来るからこうなるんだ)」です。1900 [01:00:24] "It was you. You stopped the barrier from letting Ron and me through. " (Harry Potter)
let through: 通過させる、通らせるstopp 〜 from …ing: 〜が…するのを妨げる
2000 [01:00:28] "Indeed, yes, sir." (Dobby)
2100 [01:00:32] "You nearly got Ron and me expelled." (Harry Potter)
2200 [01:00:34] "At least you would be away from here. Harry Potter must go home. Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make Harry Potter see that...." (Dobby)
2300 [01:00:43] "Your Bludger? You made that Bludger chase after me?" (Harry Potter)
2400 [01:00:46] "Dobby feels most aggrieved, sir. Dobby had to iron his hands." (Dobby)
aggrieve: 苦しませる、危害を加えるiron: アイロンをかける
2500 [01:00:55] "You'd better clear off before my bones come back, Dobby, or I might strangle you." (Harry Potter)
clear off: 消え失せるstrangle: 絞め殺す
2600 [01:00:59] "Uhh...uhh. Dobby is used to death threats, sir. Dobby gets them five times a day at home. " (Dobby)
2700 [01:01:06] "I don't suppose you could tell me why you are trying to kill me. " (Harry Potter)
2800 [01:01:09] "Not kill you, sir. Never kill you. Dobby remembers how it was before Harry Potter triumphed over he-who-must-not-be-named. We house elves were treated like vermin, sir. Of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin, uh, huh, huh. Aah-ahh." (Dobby)
elf: 小人triumph over: 〜に勝つ
vermin: 害虫
2900 [01:01:37] "Why do you wear that thing, Dobby?" (Harry Potter)
3000 [01:01:39] "This, sir? It is a mark of the house elves enslavement. Dobby could only be freed if his master presents him with clothes. " (Dobby)
enslavement: 奴隷化、奴隷状態3100 [01:01:51] "Listen. Listen. Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts. Harry Potter must not stay here、now that history is to repeat itself. " (Dobby)
be about to: まさに〜しようとしているbe to do: 〜することになっている、〜する運命である
now that 〜: 〜だから
3200 [01:02:05] "Repeat itself? You mean this has happened before?" (Harry Potter)
3300 [01:02:07] "Ah, I shouldn't have said that. Oh. Ah. Dah. Bad Dobby. Bad." (Dobby)
3400 [01:02:15] "Dobby, stop it. Stop it. Stop it, Dobby. Tell me Dobby. When did this happen before? Who is doing it now?" (Harry Potter)
3500 [01:02:23] "Dobby cannot say, sir. Dobby only wants Harry Potter to be safe. " (Dobby)
3600 [01:02:29] "No, Dobby. Tell me. Who is it? " (Harry Potter)
3700 [01:02:42] "Put him here. What happened? " (Madam Pomfrey)
3800 [01:02:49] "There has been another attack. " (Albus Dumbledore)
3900 [01:02:50] "I think...do you know...I think he has been petrified, Madame Pomfrey. Look. Perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker." (Professor McGonagall)
manage to: 思いがけず〜してしまう、なんとか〜するpetrify: 化石にする、化石化する
4000 [01:03:08] "What can this mean, Albus. " (Professor McGonagall)
4100 [01:03:11] "It means that our students are in great danger." (Albus Dumbledore)
4200 [01:03:16] "What should I tell the staff?" (Professor McGonagall)
4300 [01:03:18] "The truth. Tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe. It is as we feared, Minerva. The chamber of secrets has indeed been opened again. " (Albus Dumbledore)
no longer: もはや〜ではない