0100 [00:39:45] "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" (Pansy Parkinson)
0200 [00:39:48] "It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two and I could lost my arm,...couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks. " (Draco Malfoy)
it comes and it goes.: it はここでは「痛み」です。「痛みが出たり引いたり。」です。0300 [00:39:58] "Listen to the idiot. He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?" (Ron Weasley)
lay it on thick: 大げさに言う0400 [00:40:02] "Please,...." (Draco Malfoy)
0500 [00:40:03] "Yeah, but at least, Hagrid didn't get fired." (Harry Potter)
0600 [00:40:05] "Yeah, but I hear Draco's father is furious. We haven't heard the end of this. " (Hermione Granger)
furious: 怒り狂った、逆上した0700 [00:40:09] "He's been sighted. He's been sighted. " (Seamus Finnegan)
sight: 目撃する0800 [00:40:11] "Who? " (Ron Weasley)
0900 [00:40:12] "Sirius Black." (Seamus Finnegan)
1000 [00:40:15] "Dufftown? That's not far from here. " (Hermione Granger)
1100 [00:40:19] "You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" (Neville Longbottom)
1200 [00:40:22] "With dementors at every entrance?" (Lavender Brown)
1300 [00:40:24] "Dementors? He's already slipped past them once, hasn't he? Who is to say he won't do it again?" (Seamus Finnegan)
slip: こっそりと動く、進むslip past: 気づかないうちにこっそりと通過する
1400 [00:40:28] "That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. " (Bem)
1500 [00:41:02] "Intriguing, isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" (Professor Remus Lupin)
intrigue: 人の興味を引きつける、好奇心をそそる、venture: 思い切って〜と言う
venture a guess: 推量をする、検討をつける
1600 [00:41:11] "That's a boggart, that is." (Dean Thomas)
boggart: ベッドの下などの暗いところに隠れていて、近づく人の怖がるものに姿を変えるという妖怪。1700 [00:41:13] "Very good, Mr. Thomas. Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like? " (Professor Remus Lupin)
1800 [00:41:19] "No one knows. " (Hermione Granger)
1900 [00:41:20] "When did she get here?" (Ron Weasley)
2000 [00:41:21] "Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so...." (Hermione Granger)
2100 [00:41:26] "So terrifying. yes, yes, yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Oh, without wands, please. Affter me. Riddikulus. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
charm: まじないrepel: 寄せ付けない、撃退する
2200 [00:41:42] "Riddikulus." (students)
2300 [00:41:43] "Very good. A little louder, very clear. Listen. Riddikulus." (Professor Remus Lupin)
2400 [00:41:48] "Riddikulus." (students)
2500 [00:41:49] "This class is ridiculous. " (Draco Malfoy)
2600 [00:41:51] "Very good. Well, so much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Neville, would you join me, please. Come on, don't be shy. Come on. Come on. Hello, Neville, what frightens you most of all? " (Professor Remus Lupin)
amusing: 姿勢、ポーズなどを取るincantation: まじないを唱えること
2700 [00:42:17] "Professor...." (Neville Longbottom)
2800 [00:42:18] "Sorry?" (Professor Remus Lupin)
2900 [00:42:19] "Professor Snape." (Neville Longbottom)
3000 [00:42:19] "Professor Snape, yes, frightens all. And I believe you live with your grandmother. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
3100 [00:42:25] "Yes, but I don't want the boggaart to turn into her, either. " (Neville Longbottom)
3200 [00:42:28] "No. It won't. I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes very clearly in your mind." (Professor Remus Lupin)
3300 [00:42:36] "She carries a red handbag. " (Neville Longbottom)
3400 [00:42:38] "We don't need to hear. As long as you see it, we'll see it. Now, when I open the wardrobe, here's what I want you to do. Excuse me." (Professor Remus Lupin)
3500 [00:42:46] "Imagine Professor Ssnape in your grandmother's cloths. Can you do that?" (Professor Remus Lupin)
3600 [00:42:51] "Yes. Wand at the ready. One, two, three. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
3700 [00:43:06] "Think, Neville, think. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
3800 [00:43:10] "Riddkulus. " (Neville Longbottom)
3900 [00:43:17] "Wonderful, Neville, wonderful. Incredible. Okay. To the back, Neville. Everyone, form a line. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
4000 [00:43:28] "Form a line. I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most and turn it into something funny. Next, Ron." (Professor Remus Lupin)
4100 [00:43:41] "Concentrate. Face your fear. Be brave. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
4200 [00:43:55] "Wand at the ready, Ron, wand at the ready." (Professor Remus Lupin)
4300 [00:43:57] "Riddikulus." (Ron Weasley)
4400 [00:43:59] "Yes, Ha-ha-ha. You see? Very good. Very good. Marvelous. Absolutely, very, very enjoyable. Parvati. Next. Parvati." (Professor Remus Lupin)
4500 [00:44:11] "Show us what you see. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
4600 [00:44:22] "Keep your nerve. Steady." (Professor Remus Lupin)
keep one's nerve: 冷静でいるsteady: 落ち着いて、しっかり
4700 [00:44:25] "Riddikulus." (Parvati Patel)
4800 [00:44:27] "And next. Step up, step up. Wonderful, wonderful. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
4900 [00:44:46] "Here. Riddikulus. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
5000 [00:45:03] "Right, well, sorry about that. That's enough for today. And all, collect your books from the back of the class. That's the end of the lesson. Thank you. Sorry. Sorry, you don't have too much of a good thing. " (Professor Remus Lupin)