0100 [00:00:15] "I killed Sirius Black. Ha, ha, ha...." (Bellatrix Lestrange)
0200 [00:00:22] "He's back. " (man)
0300 [00:02:59] "The police are continuing with the investigation into the cause of the Millennium Bridge disaster. All river traffic has been halted and police divers search for survivors. The surrounding area remains closed. The mayor has urged Londoners to remain calm..." (radio)
continue with: 〜を続けるdisaster: 災害
halt: 停止させる
investigation: 調査
remain: 〜のままである
urge: 要請する、促す
0400 [00:03:20] "Harry Potter. Who's Harry Potter?" (waitress)
0500 [00:03:26] " Oh, no one. Bit of tosser, really." (Harry Potter)
tosser: 馬鹿者、愚か者0600 [00:03:32] "Funny, that paper of yours. Couple nights ago, I could've sworn I saw a picture move. " (waitress)
I could have sworn that: 確かに〜したはずなんだけどI could've ˈsworn I ˈsaw a ˈpicture ˈmove. : could've は could have を短くしたものですが、have の /h/ は脱落して could の /d/ は母音で挟まれるので「ラリルレロ」の音になり、弱く「クラブ」のように発音されます。 sworn も saw も動詞は /ɔ/ です。これは「オァ」のように発音するとそれらしく聞こえます。 picture (/pɪktʃə/) の /k/ は次も破裂音 (正しくは /tʃ/ はひとつの音素で破擦音ですが) なので破裂せず、「ペチャ」のように発音されます。 「アクラブスウォアナソアペチャモヴ」のような感じになります。
0700 [00:03:36] "Really?" (Harry Potter)
0800 [00:03:37] "Well, I thought I was going around the twist." (waitress)
go around the twist: カッとなるtwist: 捻ること、湾曲、ひずみ、ゆがみ
0900 [00:03:47] "Hey, I was wondering...." (Harry Potter)
1000 [00:03:48] "Eleven. That's when I get off. You can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter." (waitress)
get off: 仕事から開放される1100 [00:04:49] "You have been reckless this summer, Harry." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
reckless: 無鉄砲な、向こう見ずな1200 [00:04:52] "I like riding around on trains. Takes my mind off things. " (Harry Potter)
take one's mind off 〜: 〜から心をそらす、〜を忘れさせる1300 [00:05:00] "Well, rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it? The tale is thrilling, if I say so myself. But now is not the time to tell it. Take my arm." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
behold: 見守る、注視するif I say so myself: 自分で言って何だけど
1400 [00:05:15] "Do as I say." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1500 [00:05:26] "I had just apparated, didn't I?" (Harry Potter)
1600 [00:05:28] "Indeed. Quite successfully too, I might add. Most people vomit the first time. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1700 [00:05:34] "I can't imagine why. " (Harry Potter)