0100 [00:01:22] "Harry. Harry. Harry, open the door. " (Aunt Petunia)
0200 [00:01:31] "Marge, how lovely to see...." (Aunt Petunia)
0300 [00:01:34] "Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form. " (Harry Potter)
0400 [00:01:37] "What is it?" (Uncle Vernon)
0500 [00:01:38] "Nothing. School stuff. " (Harry Potter)
0600 [00:01:41] "Later perhaps, if you behave. " (Uncle Vernon)
behave: 行儀よくする0700 [00:01:43] "I will if she does." (Harry Potter)
0800 [00:01:46] "Oh, you are still here, are you?" (Aunt Marge)
0900 [00:01:48] "Yes. " (Harry Potter)
1000 [00:01:49] "Don't say "yes" in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. He'd have been straight to an orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep, Vernon?" (Aunt Marge)
dump: 捨てるgood: 徳、親切
orphanage: 孤児院
ungrateful: 不快な、虫の好かない、感謝の意を示さない、恩知らずの
1100 [00:01:57] "Ha, ha, ha...." (Dudley Dursley)
1200 [00:01:58] "Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? Give me a kiss. Come on. Up, up, up. Up...." (Aunt Marge)
1300 [00:02:05] "Take Marge's suitcase upstairs. " (Uncle Vernon)
1400 [00:02:07] "Okay." (Harry Potter)
1500 [00:02:12] "Finish that off for Mommy. That's good, Rippy-pooh" (Aunt Marge)
rippy: かっこいい、ワクワクさせる1600 [00:02:16] "Can I tempt you, Marge?" (Uncle Vernon)
tempt: 誘惑する1700 [00:02:18] "Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia. Eh.... yeah, a bit more. Usually just a fry-up for me, what with 12 dogs. A bit more. That's a boy. Ah, you want to try a little drop of brandy? A little drop of bundi-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh? What are you smirking at? Where did you send the boy, Vernon?" (Aunt Marge)
fry-up: 炒め物nosh: 食べ物、おやつ
smirk: 薄ら笑いを浮かべる、気取った笑い方をする
That's a boy.: よくやった、見事だ、あっぱれだ
what with: 〜などの理由で
1800 [00:02:48] "St. Brutus's. It's the finest institution for helpless cases. " (Harry Potter)
helpless: 手の施しようのない1900 [00:02:52] "Do they use a cane at St. Brutus's, boy?" (Aunt Marge)
cane: ムチ (細い棒状のもの)2000 [00:02:58] "Oh, yeah. Yeah, I've...I've beaten loads of times." (Harry Potter)
2100 [00:03:02] "Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. But you mustn’t blame yourself about how this one turned out, Vernon. It's all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the boy's father did, Petunia?" (Aunt Marge)
namby-pamby: 女々しい人、気弱な人out: 露見する
wishy-washy: どっちつかずの、優柔不断な
2200 [00:03:17] "Nothing. And he didn't....he didn't work. He was...he was unemployed. " (Aunt Petunia)
2300 [00:03:20] "And a drunk, too, no doubt." (Aunt Marge)
2400 [00:03:21] "That's a lie. " (Harry Potter)
2500 [00:03:22] "What did you say?" (Aunt Marge)
2600 [00:03:23] "My dad wasn't a drunk." (Harry Potter)
2700 [00:03:29] "Don't worry. Don't fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip." (Aunt Marge)
fuss: なやむ、気をもむ、くよくよする、そわそわする、落ち着かない2800 [00:03:34] "I think it's time you went to bed. " (Uncle Vernon)
2900 [00:03:36] "Quiet, Vernon. You, clean it up. " (Aunt Marge)
3000 [00:03:41] "Actually, it's nothing to do with the father. It's all to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there is something wrong with the bitch, then there is something wrong with the pup. " (Aunt Marge)
bitch: メス犬pup: 子犬
3100 [00:03:54] "Shut up. Shut up. " (Harry Potter)
3200 [00:04:01] "Right. Let me tell you...i...i...." (Aunt Marge)
3300 [00:04:28] "Vernon.... Vernon. Vernon, do something." (Aunt Marge)
3400 [00:05:21] "Stop. I've got you, Merge. I've got you. " (Uncle Vernon)
3500 [00:05:32] "Hold on, hold on. Get off." (Uncle Vernon)
3600 [00:05:35] "Don't you dare. " (Aunt Marge)
3700 [00:05:36] "Sorry." (Uncle Vernon)
3800 [00:05:38] "Oh, Vernon. Oh, God. " (Aunt Petunia)
3900 [00:05:42] "Merge. " (Uncle Vernon)
4000 [00:05:45] "Ahhh...." (Aunt Marge)
4100 [00:05:51] "Please. Merge. Come back. " (Uncle Vernon)