0100 [00:06:24] "You bring her back. You bring her back, now. You put her right." (Uncle Vernon)
put 〜 right: 〜を正しい、正常な状態にする0150 [00:06:27] "No. She deserved what she got." (Harry Potter)
deserve: 〜を受けるに値する、〜にふさわしい、〜のかちがある0200 [00:06:29] "No-o-o-o...." (Uncle Vernon)
0300 [00:06:30] "Keep away from me. " (Harry Potter)
0400 [00:06:31] "You are not allowed to do magic outside school. " (Uncle Vernon)
0500 [00:06:33] "Yeah? Try me. " (Harry Potter)
0600 [00:06:34] "They won't let you back now. You have nowhere to go." (Uncle Vernon)
0700 [00:06:37] "I don't care. Anywhere is better than here. " (Harry Potter)
0800 [00:08:12] "Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shumpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening. " (Stan Shunpike)
stranded: 座礁した、動けなくなった、立ち往生した0900 [00:08:25] "What you doing down there?" (Stan Shunpike)
1000 [00:08:27] "I fell over." (Harry Potter)
fall over: 倒れる、こける1100 [00:08:28] "What you fell over for?" (Stan Shunpike)
1200 [00:08:29] "I didn't do it on purpose." (Harry Potter)
1300 [00:08:30] "Well, come on, then. Let's not wait for the grass to grow. " (Stan Shunpike)
1400 [00:08:41] "What you looking at?" (Stan Shunpike)
What you looking at?: 文法的には What are you looking at? が正しいのですが、be 動詞は機能語で強勢のない場合が多く、話し言葉ではこのように完全に省略されてしまうことがよくあります。1500 [00:08:43] "Nothing. " (Harry Potter)
1600 [00:08:44] "Well, come on, then, in. No, no, no. I'll get this. You get in." (Stan Shunpike)
1700 [00:09:04] "Come on, move on, move on, move on, move on." (Stan Shunpike)
1800 [00:09:20] "Take her away, Ern." (Stan Shunpike)
her: ここではバスのことです。 ヨーロッパの多くの言語では名詞は男性、女性、中性のいずれかの属性が決まっています。もちろん、男だからたくましいとか女だから優しそうだとかその中間とかということを意識しているわけではありません。前後の冠詞や動詞を一致させないと文法的にはおかしな言葉になるので大切な概念です。例えばスペイン語で vega (星) は女性名詞なので「ラスベガス (Las Vegas)」は女性 (で複数) の冠詞 (las) が付いています。一方で angel は男性名詞なので男性 (で複数) の冠詞 (los) を付けて Los Angeles になります。 英語では名詞に性別は無いのですが、バスや船なんかには女性の代名詞 (she) を使ったり、代名詞に置き換えるときに it ではなくて特定の性別のものを習慣的に使うことがあります。まあ、自分が話すときには物は it にしておけば間違いはありませんけど。1900 [00:09:22] "Yeah, take it away, Ernie. It's going to be a bumpy ride." (Shrunken Head)
bumpy: ガタつく、ガタガタと揺れる2000 [00:09:37] "What did you say your name was, again?" (Stan Shunpike)
2100 [00:09:39] "I didn't. " (Harry Potter)
2200 [00:09:41] "Well, whereabouts are you headed?" (Stan Shunpike)
whereabouts: どのあたり2300 [00:09:43] "The Leaky Cauldron. That's in London. " (Harry Potter)
2400 [00:09:45] "Do you hear that, Ern? The Leaky Cauldron. That's in London. " (Stan Shunpike)
2500 [00:09:49] "The Leaky Cauldron. Hey, if you have the pea soup, make sure you eat it before it eats you." (Shrunken Head)
2600 [00:09:58] "But the Muggles, can't they see us?" (Harry Potter)
2700 [00:10:01] "Muggles? They don't see nothing, do they?" (Stan Shunpike)
2800 [00:10:04] "No, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel." (Shrunken Head)
jab: 激しく突く2900 [00:10:08] "Ernie, little old lady at 12 o'clock. " (Shrunken Head)
3000 [00:10:16] "Ooh." (Harry Potter)
3100 [00:10:20] "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, three and a half, two, one and three quarters,.... Yes." (Shrunken Head)
3200 [00:10:37] "Who is that? That man. " (Harry Potter)
3300 [00:10:44] "Who is that? Who is.... That is Sirius Black, that is. Don't tell me you've never been hearing of Sirius Black. He is a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it. " (Stan Shunpike)
3400 [00:11:01] "How did he escape?" (Harry Potter)
3500 [00:11:02] "Wow, that's the question, isn't it? He is the first one that done it. He was a big supporter of you-know-who. I reckon you've heard of him." (Stan Shunpike)
reckon: 見做す、考える、数える、計算する3600 [00:11:15] "Yeah. Him, I've heard of." (Harry Potter)
3700 [00:11:21] "Ernie, two double-deckers at 12 o'clock. They are getting closer, Ernie. Ernie, they are right on top of us. " (Shrunken Head)
double-decker: 二階建ての乗り物on top of: 〜に迫って、〜のすぐ近くに
3800 [00:11:38] "Mind your head. " (Shrunken Head)
3900 [00:11:46] "Hey, guys. Hey, guys. Why the long faces? " (Shrunken Head)
4000 [00:11:57] "Yeah, yeah. Nearly there, nearly there. " (Shrunken Head)
4100 [00:12:04] "The Leaky Cauldron. " (Stan Shunpike)
4150 [00:12:06] "Next stop, Knockturn Alley. " (Shrunken Head)
4200 [00:12:08] "Ah, Mr. Potter, at last." (Tom )
4300 [00:12:15] "Take it away, Ern?" (Stan Shunpike)
4400 [00:12:16] "Yeah, take it away, Ernie." (Shrunken Head)
ハリーはダーズリー家を飛び出します。夜中、彷徨っていると黒い大きな犬が茂みから這い出して吠えかかってきてます。そこへ Knight Bus が現れ拾ってもらいます。