0100 [00:45:16] "Now, remember. These visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school any way, that privilege shall not be extended again. No permission form signed, no visitng the village. That's the rule, Potter." (Professor Minerva McGonagall)
privilege: 特典、特権reflect: 評判をもたらす
Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school any way, : これは If your behavior reflect poorly on the school any way, と同じ意味で、should を先頭に持ってきて (「倒置」といいます) if が省略されたものです。「もしもあなたがたの行動が、どんな形であれ、学校に対してイメージを悪くするものなら」です。Should you have any questions, (「もし何か質問があったら」) のように、これもよく使われます。
0200 [00:45:30] "All those with permission, follow me. Those without, stay put." (Argus Filch)
stay put: 置かれたままの状態でいる、その場にとどまる0300 [00:45:34] "Oh, Professor, I thought if you signed it, then I could go." (Harry Potter)
0400 [00:45:36] "I can't. Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate. I'm sorry, Potter. That's my final word. " (Professor Minerva McGonagall)
guardian: 保護者inappropriate: 不適切な、まずい
parent: 両親
0500 [00:45:49] "Forget about it, guys. See you later. " (Harry Potter)
0600 [00:46:06] "Professor, can I ask you something? " (Harry Potter)
0700 [00:46:08] "You want to know why I stopped you facing that boggart, yes? I would have thought it would be obvious. I assumed it would take the shape of Lord Voldemort. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
I would have thought it would be obvious.: 「would have + 過去分詞」は文法の本では「過去の推量」と呼んでいるもので、「あのときは〜だったんだろう。」というニュアンスになります。「あのときは、そうなっても当たり前だと思ったんだろう。」です。it would be (そうなる) の it は次の文章の it (boggart) would take the shape of Lord Voldemort. のことです。ルーピン先生が先に魔法をかけて止めましたが、そのままにしていたらボガートがヴォルデモート卿になってしまうと思ったということです。0800 [00:46:17] "I did think of Voldemort at first. But then I remembered that night on the train and the dementor. " (Harry Potter)
0900 [00:46:24] "Well, I'm very impressed. That suggests what you fear the most is fear itself. This is very wise. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
what you fear the most is fear itself.: ややこしい文章に見えますが主語は what you fear the most で、「『君が最も恐れているもの』は恐れそのものだ。」です。1000 [00:46:30] "Before I fainted, I heard something. A woman screaming. " (Harry Potter)
1100 [00:46:38] "Well, dementors forces us to relive our very worst memories. Our pain becomes their power." (Professor Remus Lupin)
relive: 思い出す、過去の経験などを想像で追体験する1200 [00:46:44] "I think it was my mother. The night she was murdered." (Harry Potter)
1300 [00:46:50] "You know, the very first time I saw you, Harry, I recognized you immediately. Not by your scar, by your eyes. They are your mother, Lily's. Yes. Oh, yes, I knew her. Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted witch, she was also uncommonly kind. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others even, and perhaps most especially, when that person could not see it in themselves. And your father, James, on the other hand, he, uh...he had a certain, shall we say, talent for trouble. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
gifted: 才能のあるsingularly: 著しく
1400 [00:47:37] "A talent, rumor has it, he passed on to you. You are more like them than you know, Harry. In time you'll come to know just how much. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
in time: そのうち、やがて