0100 [02:04:50] "Hello, Harry. I saw you coming. I've looked worse, believe me. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
I've looked worse.: オオカミ人間の姿から戻ったところで全快では無いわけですが、「前はもっとひどかったのだし大丈夫だ。」ということです。0200 [02:05:06] "You have been sacked. " (Harry Potter)
sack: 解雇する、ズタ袋に入れる0300 [02:05:08] "No. No. I resigned. " (Harry Potter)
0400 [02:05:12] "Resigned ? Why?" (Harry Potter)
0500 [02:05:15] "Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want...um...well, someone like me teaching their children. " (Harry Potter)
let slip: うっかりと漏らす0600 [02:05:31] "But Dumbledore...." (Harry Potter)
0700 [02:05:32] "Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me are...well, let's just say that I am used to it by now. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
be used to 〜: 〜に慣れているby now: そろそろ
on one's behalf: 〜のために
0800 [02:05:53] "Why do you look so miserable, Harry?" (Professor Remus Lupin)
miserable: 惨めな、不幸な、哀れな0900 [02:05:56] "None of it made any difference. Pettigrew escaped. " (Harry Potter)
1000 [02:06:00] "Didn't make any difference, Harry? It made all the difference in the world. You helped uncover the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. It made a great deal of difference. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
1100 [02:06:12] "Now...if I am proud of anything, it is of how much you have learned this year. Now, since I'm no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt whatsoever about giving this back to you. So now I'll say good-bye, Harry. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime. Until then, mischief managed. " (Professor Remus Lupin)
whatsoever: どんなものであれ、なんであれ