0100 [00:11:00] "Come on." (Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody)
0200 [00:11:44] "In you go, son." (Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody)
0300 [00:11:47] "There've been no sightings. No death, no proof." (Remus Lupin)
sighting: 目撃0400 [00:11:51] "He almost killed Harry. If that isn't proof enough...." (Sirius Black)
0500 [00:11:54] "Yes, but guarding you-know-what is the most important...." (Remus Lupin)
guard: 監視する0600 [00:12:00] "...We must trust Dumbledore on this." (Remus Lupin)
0700 [00:12:03] "Was he able to protect Harry last year? Well, tonight, I say it's time to take action." (Sirius Black)
0800 [00:12:07] "Cornelius Fudge is a politician first and a wizard second. H...his instinct would be to ignore it...." (Remus Lupin)
0900 [00:12:11] "Sh. Sh, keep your voices down. " (Mrs. Weasley)
1000 [00:12:14] "He is getting stronger and stronger by the minute. We have to act now." (Sirius Black)
by the minute: 分刻みで1100 [00:12:22] "Harry." (Mrs. Weasley)
1200 [00:12:23] "Mrs. Weasley. " (Harry Potter)
1300 [00:12:27] "Heavens, you are all right. Bit peaky, but I'm afraid dinner will have to wait until after the meeting's finished. " (Mrs. Weasley)
peaky: やつれた1400 [00:12:37] "Well, if I...." (Harry Potter)
1500 [00:12:37] "Nope. No time to explain. Straight upstairs, first door on the left. Yeah." (Mrs. Weasley)
1600 [00:12:47] "Mudblood, werewolves, traitors, thieves. If my poor mistress knew the scum they let into her house, what would she say to old Kreacher? Oh, the shame. " (Kreacher)
traitor: 裏切り者、叛逆者1700 [00:13:19] "Freaks." (mistress)
freak: 変人、奇人1800 [00:13:19] "There, there, mistress." (Kreacher)
1900 [00:13:21] "Scum of the earth. Not like it was in the days of my father." (mistress)
2000 [00:13:25] "Kreacher is here." (Kngsley Shacklebolt)
2100 [00:13:33] "Oh, Harry. Are you all right? We overheard them talking about the Dementor attack. You must tell us everything." (Hermione Granger)
2200 [00:13:44] "Let the man breathe, Hermione." (Ron Weasley)
2300 [00:13:45] "And this hearing at the Ministry. It's just outrageous. I've looked it up. They simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair. " (Hermione Granger)
look up: 調べるoutrageous: 悪意のある、イライラさせる、無礼な
2400 [00:13:53] "Yeah. There is a lot of that going around at the moment. So what is this place?" (Harry Potter)
go around: 噂などが広まる、蔓延する2500 [00:14:03] "It's headquarters. " (Ron Weasley)
2600 [00:14:05] "Of the Order of the Phoenix. It's a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought you know who." (Hermione Granger)
the Order: 騎士団2700 [00:14:12] "You couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose? I've gone all summer without a scrap of news. " (Harry Potter)
scrap: 断片、クズ2800 [00:14:19] "We wanted to write this, mate. Really, we did. Only...." (Ron Weasley)
2900 [00:14:23] "Only what?" (Harry Potter)
3000 [00:14:23] "Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." (Hermione Granger)
3100 [00:14:28] "Dumbledore said that? Well, but why would he want to keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help. I have to. I'm only the one who saw Voldemort return. I'm the one who fought him. I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed. " (Harry Potter)
in the dark: 秘密に3200 [00:14:40] "Harry." (Fred Weasley)
3300 [00:14:41] "I thought we heard your dulcet tones." (George Weasley)
dulcet: 耳に快い、心地よい、旋律が美しい3400 [00:14:42] "Don't bottle it, though, mate. Let it out. " (Fred Weasley)
3500 [00:14:46] "Anyway, if you are all done shouting...." (George Weasley)
3600 [00:14:47] "Do you want to hear something a little more interesting?" (Fred Weasley)
3700 [00:14:51] "If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry. If it wasn't for Harry, we wouldn't even know Lord Voldemort was back. He is not a child, Molly." (Sirius Black)
3800 [00:14:58] "He is not an adult either. He is not James, Sirius. " (Mrs. Weasley)
3900 [00:15:02] "Well, he is not your son." (Sirius Black)
4000 [00:15:03] "He is as good as. Who else has he got? " (Mrs. Weasley)
4100 [00:15:07] "Hey, Ginny." (Harry Potter)
4200 [00:15:07] "He's got me." (Sirius Black)
4300 [00:15:08] "How touchingly paternal, Black? Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather. " (Severus Snape)
felon: 重罪犯人paternal: 父親譲りの、父親らしい
touchingly: 感動的に
4400 [00:15:13] "Now, you stay out of this, Snivellus...." (Sirius Black)
4500 [00:15:15] "Snape is part of the Order?" (Harry Potter)
4600 [00:15:16] "Git. " (Ron Weasley)
Git: ばか、まぬけ、くそったれ4700 [00:15:17] "...your supposed reformation." (Severus Snape)
4800 [00:15:19] "I know better." (Sirius Black)
4900 [00:15:20] "So why don't you tell him?..." (Severus Snape)
5000 [00:15:22] "Get off it." (Fred Weasley)
5100 [00:15:23] "Quick." (George Weasley)
5200 [00:15:24] "Get it up." (Fred Weasley)
5300 [00:15:24] "Crookshanks. Stop it." (Hermione Granger)
5400 [00:15:26] "Get off, bloody cat. " (George Weasley)
5500 [00:15:28] "Crookshanks, leave it alone. " (Hermione Granger)
5600 [00:15:31] "Hermione, I hate your cat. " (George Weasley)
5700 [00:15:33] "Bad Crookshanks." (Hermione Granger)
5800 [00:15:36] "Well, we'll be eating down in the kitchen. No. Just because you are allowed to use magic, now, that does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything. " (Mrs. Weasley)
whip: ムチで打つ、ムチで打つようにピュっと振る5900 [00:15:47] "Hi, mum." (Ginny Weasley)
6000 [00:15:50] "You hungry, Harry?" (Mrs. Weasley)
6100 [00:15:52] "You sure you are all right, Harry? Gave us quite a turn." (Arther Weasley)
give someone quite a turn: ぎょっとさせる、ショックを与える6200 [00:15:55] "Harry Potter. " (Sirius Black)
6300 [00:15:59] "Sirius. " (Harry Potter)