0100 [00:12:36] "Hedwig." (Ginny Weasley)
0200 [00:12:41] "Mum. " (Ginny Weasley)
0300 [00:12:44] "Ginny, what is it?" (Molly Weasley)
0400 [00:12:46] "I was only wondering when Harry got here." (Ginny Weasley)
0500 [00:12:49] "What? Harry? Harry who?" (Molly Weasley)
0600 [00:12:51] "Harry Potter, of course." (Ginny Weasley)
0700 [00:12:53] "I think I'd know if Harry Potter is in my house, wouldn't I?" (Molly Weasley)
0800 [00:12:57] "His trunk is in the kitchen. And his owl. " (Ginny Weasley)
0900 [00:12:59] "Well, no, dear. I seriously doubt that." (Molly Weasley)
1000 [00:13:04] "Harry? Did someone say Harry?" (Ron Weasley)
1100 [00:13:06] "Me, nosy. Is he up there with you?" (Ginny Weasley)
nosy: 詮索好きな、おせっかいな1200 [00:13:09] "Of course not. You think I'd know if my best friend is in my room, wouldn't I?" (Ron Weasley)
You think I'd ˈknow if my ˈbest ˈfriend is in my ˈroom, ˈwouldn't I?: best friend はひとつの複合名詞です。形容詞+名詞 ではありません。ですので best に強勢を置きます (ここでは friend のほうにも強勢が残っていますが)。「ユセンカドノイフマべスフレンデゼマルム ウォドゥンナエ」のようになります。1300 [00:13:13] "Is that an owl I heard?" (Hermione Granger)
1400 [00:13:14] "You haven't seen him, have you? Apparently he is wondering about the house." (Ginny Weasley)
1500 [00:13:17] "Really?" (Hermione Granger)
1600 [00:13:18] "Really." (Ron Weasley)
1700 [00:13:19] "Harry. " (Molly Weasley)
1800 [00:13:27] "Harry." (Hermione Granger)
1900 [00:13:31] "What a lovely surprise. Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" (Molly Weasley)
2000 [00:13:39] "I didn't know. Dumbledore." (Harry Potter)
2100 [00:13:40] "Oh, that man. But then what would you do without him?" (Molly Weasley)
2200 [00:13:46] "Got a bit of toothpaste." (Ron Weasley)
2300 [00:13:56] "So when did you get here?" (Harry Potter)
2400 [00:13:58] "A few days ago. Though for a while I wasn't sure I was coming. " (Hermione Granger)
2500 [00:14:05] "Mum sort of lost it last week. Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. That it's too dangerous." (Ron Weasley)
have no business 〜ing: 〜する権利がない、〜する筋合いではないlose it: キレる、カッとなる、自制心を失う、感情を抑えられなくなる
2600 [00:14:12] "Oh, come on." (Harry Potter)
2700 [00:14:13] "She is not alone. Even my parents, and they are Muggles, know something bad is happening. " (Hermione Granger)
Even ˈmy ˈparents, and they are ˈMuggles, ˈknow something ˈbad is ˈhappening. : とくに know something bad is のあたりが繋がってしまって聞き取りにくいかもしれません。「イヴンマパレンツン ゼアマグルズ ノサムセンバズハプネン」のような感じです。2800 [00:14:18] "Anyway, Dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy and...it took a few days, but she came around." (Ron Weasley)
barmy: 馬鹿げた、発酵した、泡立ったcome around: 態度を変える、妥協する
step in: 事件・論争などに介入する
2900 [00:14:25] "But...if this is Hogwarts we are talking about, it's Dumbledore, what could be safer?" (Harry Potter)
3000 [00:14:31] "There's been a lot of talk recently that...Dumbledore's got a bit old. " (Hermione Granger)
3100 [00:14:36] "Oh, rubbish. He is only.... What is he?" (Harry Potter)
3200 [00:14:40] "A hundred and fifty, give or take a few?" (Ron Weasley)
give or take a few: およそ、多少の誤差はあっても (give は加える、take は引く (減じる) です)