0100 [01:56:58] "Have you ever considered that you ask too much, that you take too much for granted? Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore?" (Professor Severus Snape)
cross someone's mind: 心に浮かぶ、頭をよぎるgrant: 与える、供与する、承諾する
take 〜 for granted: 〜を当たり前のことと思う、〜の有り難みを全然わかっていない、〜を軽く見る
0200 [01:57:10] "Whether it has or hasn't is irrelevant. I will not negotiate with you, Severus. You agreed. Nothing more to discuss." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
irrelevant: 無関係の、重要ではない0300 [01:57:35] "Hi, Harry. You need a shave, my friend? You know, at times, I forget how much you have grown. At times, I still see the small boy from the cupboard. Forgive my mawkishness, Harry. I am an old man. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
at times: 時々cupboard: 食器棚 (/ˈkəpbəd/ は「カップボード」ではなくて「カバド」のように発音します。/pb/ の部分は破裂音が続くので後ろの /b/ だけを発音します。そして、強勢は最初の音節にあります。後ろの音節は弱く短く曖昧になります。)
mawkishness: 感傷的なこと
0400 [01:58:02] "You still look the same to me, sir." (Harry Potter)
0500 [01:58:05] "Just like your mother, you are unfailingly kind. A trait people never fail to undervalue, I'm afraid. The place to which we journey tonight is extremely dangerous. I promised you could accompany me and I stand by that promise. But there is one condition. You must obey every command I give you without question." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
obey: 従う、人の言うことを聞くstand by: 約束を守る
trait: 特徴、特質
undervalue: 軽んじる
unfailingly: 間違い無しに
0600 [01:58:32] "Yes, sir. " (Harry Potter)
0700 [01:58:34] "You do understand what I am saying? Should I tell you to hide, you hide. Should I tell you to run, you run. Should I tell you to abandon me and save yourself, you must do so. Your word, Harry." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
abandon: 見捨てる、置き去りにするword: 約束 (ここでは Your word. で「約束しろよ。」です。)
0800 [01:58:54] "My word. " (Harry Potter)
0900 [01:58:56] "Take my arm. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1000 [01:58:58] "Sir, I thought you couldn't Apparate within Hogwarts. " (Harry Potter)
1100 [01:59:01] "Well, being me has its privileges. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
privilege: 特権1200 [01:59:53] "This is the place. Oh, yes, this place has known magic. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1300 [02:00:09] "Sir. " (Harry Potter)
1400 [02:00:09] "In order to gain passage, payment must be made. Payment intended to weaken any intruder. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
intruder: 侵入者passage: 通路、通り道、通行許可
1500 [02:00:17] "You should have let me, sir." (Harry Potter)
You should have ˈlet me, ˈsir.: should have は「そうするべきだった」を表して、機能語なので弱く曖昧に「シャラヴ」のように発音をスルのでしたね。「ヤシャラヴレミサ」のようになります。1600 [02:00:17] "Oh, no, Harry. Your blood's much more precious than mine. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1700 [02:00:40] "Voldemort will not have it made it easy to discover his hiding place. He will have put certain defenses in position. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
in position: 適所に1800 [02:00:48] "Careful. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1900 [02:01:09] "There it is. The only question is how do we get there." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
2000 [02:01:36] "If you would, Harry." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)