0100 [00:30:19] "Hello, Harry. I've interrupted a deep thought, haven't I? I can see it growing smaller in your eyes. " (Luna Lovegood)
I can ˈsee it ˈgrowing ˈsmaller in your ˈeyes. : 「アカンツィ グロウエンスモアラエンヨアイズ」のようになります。grow small: grow の後ろの smaller がつくと大きくなったのか小さくなったのか迷いますが、get smaller とか become smaller と同じで「小さくなる」です。
I've interˈrupted a ˈdeep ˈthought, ˈhaven't I? : 「アイヴェンタラプテダディプソアトハヴンタイ」のような感じになります。
interrupt: 中断する、妨げる、水を刺す
0200 [00:30:24] "Of course not. How are you, Luna?" (Harry Potter)
0300 [00:30:26] "Very well. Got bitten by a garden gnome only moments ago." (Luna Lovegood)
gnome: ノーム (伝説上の小人)0400 [00:30:30] "Gnome saliva is very beneficial. Xenophilius Lovegood. We live just over the hill. " (Xenophilius Lovegood)
saliva: 唾液0500 [00:30:35] "Pleasure to meet you, sir. " (Harry Potter)
0600 [00:30:36] "I trust you know, Mr. Potter, that we at the Quibbler, unlike those toadies at the Daily Prohoet, fully supported Dumbledore in his lifetime and, in his death, support you just as fully." (Xenophilius Lovegood)
quibble: 屁理屈を言う、ごまかすtoady: 太鼓持ち、おべんちゃら屋、ゴマすり
0700 [00:30:48] "Thank you." (Harry Potter)
0800 [00:30:49] "Come, Daddy. Harry doesn't want to talk to us right now. He's just too polite to say so." (Luna Lovegood)
He's just too polite to say so.: too 〜 to … は「あまりにも〜なので…できない。」です。「ハリーはとても礼儀正しいのでそう言うことができない。」です。polite: 礼儀正しい
0900 [00:30:55] "Harry Potter." (Xenophilius Lovegood)
1000 [00:31:00] "Excuse me, sir, may I sit down?" (Harry Potter)
1100 [00:31:02] "Mr. Potter. By all means. Here. " (Elphias Doge)
by all means: もちろん1200 [00:31:10] "I...I found what you wrote in the Daily Prophet really moving. You obviously knew Dumbledore well. " (Harry Potter)
1300 [00:31:16] "Well, I certainly knew him the longest. That is if you don't count his brother Aberforth and somehow, people never do seem to count Aberforth. " (Elphias Doge)
count: 感情にいれる、考慮する1400 [00:31:25] "I didn't even know he had a brother. " (Harry Potter)
1500 [00:31:27] "Ah, well. Dumbledore was always very private even as a boy." (Elphias Doge)
private: 人目に触れるのを嫌がる1600 [00:31:30] "Don't despair, Elphias. I'm told he's been thoroughly unriddled by Rita Skeeter in 800 pages, no less. Word has it that someone talked to her. Someone who knew the Dumbledore family well. Both you and I know who that is, Elphias. " (Auntie Muriel)
despair: 落胆する、失望するno less: 実に、まさに
unriddle: 謎を解く、解明する
Word has it that: 噂によると、〜らしい
1700 [00:31:55] "A monstrous betrayal. " (Elphias Doge)
betrayal: 裏切りmonstrous: 恐ろしい、非常に酷い
1800 [00:31:58] "Eh, eh, who will...who will be talking about?" (Harry Potter)
1900 [00:32:02] "Bathilda Bagshot. " (Auntie Muriel)
2000 [00:32:05] "Who? " (Harry Potter)
2100 [00:32:05] "My God, boy, she is only the most celebrated magical historian of the last century. She was as close to the Dumbledores as anyone. Oh, I'm sure Rita Skeeter thought it well worth a trip to Godric's Hollow to take a peek into that old bird's rattled cage. " (Auntie Muriel)
celebrated: 有名な、著名なhistorian: 歴史家
hollow: 山間の小渓谷
rattled: 混乱した、困惑した
2200 [00:32:23] "Godric's Hollow? Bathilda Bagshot lives at Godric's Hollow?" (Harry Potter)
2300 [00:32:26] "Well, that's where she first met Dumbledore. " (Auntie Muriel)
2400 [00:32:28] "You don't mean to say he lived there too?" (Harry Potter)
2500 [00:32:29] "The family moved there after his father killed those three Muggles. Oh, it was quite a scandal. Honestly, my boy, are you sure you knew him at all?" (Auntie Muriel)
2600 [00:33:01] "The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming. " (Kingsley Shacklebolt)