0100 [00:56:52] "Get inside." (Professor Minerva McGonagall)
0200 [00:57:17] "Stupefy." (Harry Potter)
0300 [00:57:21] "Get your coat on." (Harry Potter)
0400 [00:57:23] "Ginny, Neville, are you all right?" (Harry Potter)
0500 [00:57:27] "Never better. I feel like I could spit fire. You haven't see Luna, have you?" (Neville Longbottom)
never better: 絶好調spit: 吐き出す、火花などを吹き出す
0600 [00:57:32] "Luna?" (Harry Potter)
0700 [00:57:33] "I'm mad for her. I think it's about time I told her since we probably both be dead by dawn. " (Narcissa Malfoy)
it's about time I told her: 「it's about time + 文」は「もうそろそろ〜しなければ」という意味です。「もっと前にするべきだった」という意味も含みます。このとき、it's about time の後ろに続く文はいつも過去形にします。mad for: 〜に夢中になっている
since we probably both be dead by dawn. : since は「〜だから、〜なので」と理由は示します。「朝までに二人とも死んじゃうかもしれないから」です。
0800 [00:57:43] "I know. " (Ginny Weasley)
0900 [00:58:14] "Bloody hell, we'll never find it on this. " (Ron Weasley)
1000 [00:58:17] "Here he is. Just there. " (Hermione Granger)
1100 [00:58:19] "Brilliant. " (Ron Weasley)
1200 [00:58:20] "He's just vanished. Just now. I saw it." (Hermione Granger)
1300 [00:58:27] "Maybe he's gone to the room of requirement. It doesn't show up on the map, does it? You said that last year. " (Ron Weasley)
It ˈdoesn't show ˈup on the map, ˈdoes it?: 「エダズンチョウアポヌザマ ダゼ」のような感じですshow up: 現れる、姿を現す
1400 [00:58:32] "That's right. I..I did." (Hermione Granger)
1500 [00:58:34] "Let's go." (Ron Weasley)
1600 [00:58:37] "Brilliant. " (Hermione Granger)
1700 [00:58:44] "Come on." (Draco Malfoy)