0100 [01:18:47] "Freak. Come here.I'm going to tell Mummy. You are a freak. You are a freak, Lily. Come here..." (young Petunia Dursley)
Freak: 変わり者、変人、奇人0200 [01:19:23] "She is jealous because she is ordinary and you are special. " (young Severus Snape)
jealous: 嫉妬して、やきもちを焼いて0300 [01:19:27] "That's mean, Severus. " (youg Lily Potter)
mean: 意地の悪い0400 [01:19:58] "Gryffindor. " (The Sorting Hat)
0500 [01:20:07] "Hi, I'm James. " (young James Potter)
0600 [01:20:08] "Hi, I'm Lily." (youg Lily Potter)
0700 [01:20:15] "Just like your father. Lazy, Arrogant. " (Professor Severus Snape)
arrogant: 傲慢な、思い上がったlazy: 怠慢な、不精な
0800 [01:20:19] "Don't say a word against my father." (Harry Potter)
0900 [01:20:28] "Blood shall be spilt and servant and master shall be reunited once more. " (Professor Sybill Trelawney)
reunite: 再開する、仲直りするspill: こぼす、溢れさせる、血を流す
1000 [01:20:36] "Severus. " (Lord Voldemort)
1100 [01:20:39] "No, don't kill me. " (Professor Severus Snape)
1200 [01:20:41] "The prophecy did not refer to a woman. It spoke of a boy born at the end of July. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
prophecy: 予言speak of: 〜のことを話す、〜のことを口にする
1300 [01:20:48] "Yes, but he thinks it's her son. He intends to hunt them down now to kill them. Hide her. Hide them all. I beg you." (Professor Severus Snape)
hunt down: 追跡して捕まえる1400 [01:21:00] "What will you give me in exchange, Severus?" (Lord Voldemort)
in exchange: 交換に1500 [01:21:07] "Anything. " (Professor Severus Snape)
1600 [01:21:08] "Harry. Harry, you are so loved. So loved. Harry, Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Harry, be safe. Be strong. " (Lily Potter)
1700 [01:21:24] "Avada Kedavra." (Lord Voldemort)
1800 [01:21:30] "You said you would keep her safe. " (Professor Severus Snape)
1900 [01:21:36] "Lily and James put their faith in the wrong person, Severus, rather like you. The boy survives. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
put one's faith in: 〜を信じる2000 [01:21:46] "He doesn't need protection. The Dark Lord is gone. " (Professor Severus Snape)
is gone: is gone の gone は「いなくなった (もの)」、「行ってしまった (もの) 」を表し、どちらかというと形容詞です。He has gone. は現在完了形の文章で gone は動詞 go の過去分詞です。「彼は行ってしまった。」けれどもまた帰ってくるかもしれないと心のどこかで思っているかもしれません。一方で He is gone. の場合は永遠に戻ってくることは期待していなくて、「死んでしまった」ことをほのめかすこともあります。2100 [01:21:48] "But the Dark Lord will return. When he does, the boy will be in terrible danger. He has her eyes. If you truly loved her...." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
2200 [01:22:05] "No one can know. " (Professor Severus Snape)
2300 [01:22:09] "That I should never reveal the best of you, Severus? " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
2400 [01:22:23] "Your word. " (Professor Severus Snape)
2500 [01:22:14] "You risk your life every day to protect the boy." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
2600 [01:22:16] "He possesses no measurable talent. His arrogance rivals even that of his father and he seems to relish his fame. " (Professor Severus Snape)
measurable: 重要な、重大なpossess: 所有する、保有する
relish: 楽しむ、享受する
rival: 匹敵する、肩を並べる
talent: 才能、素質
2700 [01:22:22] "Don't say a word against my father." (Harry Potter)
2800 [01:22:26] "James Potter? Lazy, arrogant. " (Professor Severus Snape)
2900 [01:22:30] "My father was a great man. " (Harry Potter)
3000 [01:22:32] "Your father was a swine. " (Professor Severus Snape)
swine: 豚3100 [01:22:36] "Drink the rest. It will contain the curse to your hand for the time being. It will spread, Albus. " (Professor Severus Snape)
3200 [01:22:45] "How long?" (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
3300 [01:22:47] "Maybe a year. " (Professor Severus Snape)
3400 [01:22:52] "Don't ignore me, Severus. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
ignore: 無視する3500 [01:22:53] "Hermonia Nectere Passus. " (Draco Malfoy)
Hermonia Nectere Passus: → Harry Potter Wiki3600 [01:22:55] "We both know Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy to murder me. But should he fail, one should presume the Dark Lord will turn to you. You must be the one to kill me, Severus. It is the only way. Only then will the Dark Lord trust you completely. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
presume: 推測する、想像するturn to: 〜に頼る
3700 [01:23:26] "There will come a time when Harry Potter must be told something. But you must wait until Voldemort is at his most vulnerable. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
vulnerable: 弱い、脆弱な3800 [01:23:38] "Must be told what?" (Professor Severus Snape)
3900 [01:23:42] "On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry and Lily Potter cast herself between them, the curse rebounded. When that happened, a part of Voldemort's soul latched itself onto the only living thing it could find. Harry himself. There is a reason Harry can speak with snakes. There is a reason he can look into Lord Voldemort's mind. A part of Voldemort lives inside him." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
cast: 投じるlatch 〜 onto …: 〜を…にくっつける、接着する
rebounded: 跳ね返る
4000 [01:24:30] "So when the time comes, the boy must die?" (Professor Severus Snape)
4100 [01:24:38] "Yes. Yes. He must die." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
4200 [01:25:02] "You've kept him alive so that he can die at the proper moment. You've been raising him like a pig for slaughter. " (Professor Severus Snape)
slaughter: 屠殺、食肉処理4300 [01:25:14] "Don't tell me now that you've grown to care for the boy." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
care for: 〜を慈しむ、〜を大事に思う4400 [01:25:22] "Expecto patronum. " (Professor Severus Snape)
Expecto patronum: → Harry Potter Wiki4500 [01:25:38] "Lily. After all this time?" (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
4600 [01:25:48] "Always. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
4700 [01:25:57] "So when the time comes, the boy must die?" (Professor Severus Snape)
4800 [01:26:04] "Yes, he must die. And Voldemort himself must do it. That is essential. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)