0100 [00:58:41] "Bloody cold down here. " (Ron Weasley)
0200 [00:58:42] "I'm a half-blood. My father...father was a wizard. William Alderton. He worked here for 30 years. Perhaps you know him. Always wore his jacket inside out. No. There has been a mistake. I'm half-blood, you see. We must go back. I'm half-blood. " (scared man)
0300 [00:59:08] "Mary Elizabeth Cattermole?" (Dolores Umbridge)
0400 [00:59:09] "Yes. " (Mary Cattermole)
0500 [00:59:09] "Of 27 Chislehurst Gardens, Great Tolling, Evesham?" (Dolohov)
0600 [00:59:12] "Yes. " (Mary Cattermole)
0700 [00:59:13] "It's here. " (Harry Potter)
0800 [00:59:13] "Mother to Maisie, Ellie and Alfred? Wife to Reginald?" (Dolores Umbridge)
0900 [00:59:21] "Reg?" (Mary Cattermole)
1000 [00:59:34] "Thank you, Albert." (Dolores Umbridge)
1100 [00:59:40] "Mary Elizabeth Cattermole. " (Dolores Umbridge)
1200 [00:59:47] "Yes. " (Mary Cattermole)
1300 [00:59:49] "A wand was taken from you upon your arrival at the Ministry today. Mrs. Cattermole, is this that wand?" (Dolores Umbridge)
1400 [01:00:00] "Would you please tell the court from which witch or wizard you took this wand?" (Dolores Umbridge)
1500 [01:00:03] "I didn't take it. I got it in Diagon Alley, at Ollivander's, when I was 11. It chose me. " (Mary Cattermole)
1600 [01:00:19] "You are lying. Wands only choose witches and you are not a witch. " (Dolores Umbridge)
1700 [01:00:26] "But I am. Tell them, Reg, tell them what I am. Reg, tell them what I am." (Mary Cattermole)
1800 [01:00:48] "What on earth are you doing, Albert?" (Dolores Umbridge)
1900 [01:00:53] "You are lying, Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies. Stupefy. " (Harry Potter)
2000 [01:01:13] "Why, it's Harry Potter. " (Mary Cattermole)
2100 [01:01:15] "Yeah, he is, isn't he? This will be one to tell the kids. " (Ron Weasley)
2200 [01:01:37] "Expecto Patronum." (Harry Potter)
2300 [01:02:06] "Oh, oh, oh." (Mary Cattermole)
2400 [01:02:10] "Mary, go home. Get the kids. I'll meet you there. We have to get out of the country, understand? Mary, do as I say." (Ron Weasley)
2500 [01:02:41] "Mary? Who's that?" (Reg Cattermole)
2550 [01:02:48] "Long story. Nice meeting you. " (Ron Weasley)
2600 [01:02:50] "It's Harry Potter. It's Harry. Harry Potter." (man 3)
2700 [01:02:57] "There he is." (man 4)
2800 [01:02:58] "Get him. Get him, stop him. " (man 5)
2900 [01:03:49] "Expelliarmus. " (Ron Weasley)