0100 [01:23:49] "Let me see it again. Oh, yes, the time is close now. Harry, at last. Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting. " (Lord Voldemort)
give someone a greeting: 挨拶をするproper: 礼儀正しい、上品な
0200 [01:24:15] "You all right, Harry? I...I just got in.Me. " (Neville Longbottm)
0300 [01:24:30] "Harry, you told me you had figured the egg out weeks ago.The task is two days from now. " (Hermione Granger)
figure out: 問題などの原因がわかる0400 [01:24:37] "Really? I had no idea. I suppose Victor's already figured it out. " (Harry Potter)
0500 [01:24:43] "Wouldn't know. We don't actually talk about the tournament. Actually, we don't really talk at all. Viktor's more of a physical being. " (Hermione Granger)
0600 [01:24:57] "I just mean he is not particularly loquacious. Mostly he watches me study. It's a bit annoying actually. You are trying to figure this egg out, aren't you?" (Hermione Granger)
he watches me study.: これは「watch + 目的語 + 原形不定詞」です。study には to が付いていませんがこれは不定詞で「原形不定詞」と呼びます。watch, see, hear など知覚動詞のときは不定詞の to が省略されることがあります。loquacious: おしゃべりな
0700 [01:25:11] "What's that supposed to mean?" (Harry Potter)
0800 [01:25:13] "It just means these tasks are designed to test you in the most brutal way. They are almost cruel. And...I'm scared for you. You got by the dragons mostly on nerve. I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time. " (Hermione Granger)
brutal: 残忍な、厳しい、荒々しいcruel: 残酷な、酷い
get by: うまく通り抜ける
on nerve: 気力で
0900 [01:25:31] "Hey, Potter. " (Cedric Diggory)
1000 [01:25:38] "Potter." (Cedric Diggory)
1100 [01:25:39] "Cedric. " (Harry Potter)
1200 [01:25:43] "How...how are you?" (Cedric Diggory)
1300 [01:25:46] "Spectacular. " (Harry Potter)
1400 [01:25:49] "Look, I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons. " (Cedric Diggory)
tip off: こっそりと教える、情報を与える1500 [01:25:52] "Forget about it. I'm sure you would have done the same for me." (Harry Potter)
1600 [01:25:55] "Exactly. You know the Prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor? It's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water. " (Cedric Diggory)
mull over: あれこれよく考えるPrefect: 監督生
1800 [01:26:50] "I must be out of my mind." (Harry Potter)
out of one's mind: 頭がおかしい1900 [01:27:03] "I'm definitely out of mind. " (Harry Potter)
2000 [01:27:08] "I'd try putting it in the water if I were you. " (moaning Myrtle)
2100 [01:27:11] "Myrtle. " (Harry Potter)
2200 [01:27:12] "Hi. Hello, Harry. All right. Long time no see." (moaning Myrtle)
2300 [01:27:22] "I was circling a blocked drain the other day and could swear I saw a bit of Polyjuice Potion. Not being a bad boy again, are you, Harry? " (moaning Myrtle)
blocked: 塞がれた、詰まった2400 [01:27:33] "Polyjuuice Potion? Kicked the habit. Myrtle, did you say "try to putting it in the water"?" (moaning Myrtle)
kick the habit: タバコなどの習慣をやめる2500 [01:27:48] "Oh, that's what he did. The other boy, the handsome one. Cedric. Well, go on. Open it. " (moaning Myrtle)
2600 [01:28:15] "come seek us where our vices sound we cannot sing above the ground an hour long you'll have to look to recover what we took" (singing vioce)
2700 [01:28:39] "cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough." (moaning Myrtle)
2800 [01:28:42] "Myrtle. there aren't merpeople in the Black Lake, are there?" (Harry Potter)
merpeople: 人魚2900 [01:28:48] "Oh, very good. It took Cedric ages to riddle it out. Almost all the bubbles were gone. " (moaning Myrtle)
3000 [01:29:18] "Harry, tell me again. " (Hermione Granger)
3100 [01:29:21] "Come seek us where our voices sound. " (Harry Potter)
3200 [01:29:24] "The Black Lake, that's obvious. " (Harry Potter)
3300 [01:29:27] "An hour long you have to look. " (Harry Potter)
3400 [01:29:30] "Again, obvious. Though admittedly, potentially problematic. " (Hermione Granger)
problematic: 解決の難しい3500 [01:29:34] "Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?" (Harry Potter)
3600 [01:20:40] "Look, Harry, we...we can do this. The three of us can figure it out. " (Hermione Granger)
3700 [01:29:45] "Hate to break up the skull session. Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office. Not you, Potter. Just Weasley and Granger. " (Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody)
skull session: 意見交換会3800 [01:29:51] "But sir, the second task is only hours away and...." (Hermione Granger)
3900 [01:29:54] "Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go. Now. " (Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody)
do with: 得る4000 [01:30:11] "Longbottom. Why don't you help Potter put his books back. " (Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody)
4100 [01:30:23] "You know, if you are interested in plants, you'd better of with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology. Do you know there 's a wizard in Nepal who is growing gravity resistant trees?" (Neville Longbottm)
be better off with: 〜を使うほうが良い、〜がある方が良いgravity: 重力
resistant: 抵抗力のある
4200 [01:30:33] "Neville, no offense but I really don'care about pl,ants. Now, if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe under for an hour, then great.But otherwise...." (Harry Potter)
no offense: 悪気はない、「気を悪くしないでくれ」turnip: カブ
4300 [01:30:47] "I don't know about a turnip, but you could always use gillyweed." (Neville Longbottm)
gillyweed: gill は魚のエラ、weed は雑草とか海藻のことです