0100 [00:03:23] "Harry. Harry." (Hermione Granger)
0200 [00:03:28] "Are you all right? " (Hermione Granger)
0300 [00:03:31] "Hermione. Bad dream. When did you get here? " (Harry Potter)
0400 [00:03:34] "Just now. You?" (Hermione Granger)
0500 [00:03:36] "Last night." (Harry Potter)
0600 [00:03:38] "Wake up. Wake up, Ronald. " (Hermione Granger)
0700 [00:03:40] "Bloody hell." (Ron Weasley)
0800 [00:03:41] "Honestly, get dressed. And don't go back to sleep. Come on, Ron. Your mother says breakfast is ready. " (Hermione Granger)
0900 [00:03:55] "Ron, where are we actually going?" (Harry Potter)
1000 [00:03:56] "Don't know. Hey, Dad, where are we going?" (Ron Weasley)
1100 [00:04:00] "Haven't the foggiest. Keep up." (Arthur Weasley)
haven't the foggiest: 全くわからない、見当もつかない1200 [00:04:05] "Arthur. It's about time, son. " (Amos Diggroy)
1300 [00:04:09] "Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" (Arthur Weasley)
lad: 若者、青年strapping: がっしりとした、頑丈な、大柄な
1400 [00:04:22] "Yes, sir. This way." (Cedric Diggory)
1500 [00:04:27] "Merlin's beard. You must be Harry Potter." (Amos Diggroy)
Harry: マーリン (魔法使いの名前)1600 [00:04:30] "Yes, sir." (Harry Potter)
1700 [00:04:31] "Great, great pleasure. " (Amos Diggroy)
1800 [00:04:33] "Pleasure to meet you, too, sir." (Harry Potter)
1900 [00:04:37] "Yes, it's, uh, just over there." (Arthur Weasley)
2000 [00:04:42] "Shall we? " (Amos Diggroy)
2100 [00:04:43] "Oh, yeah." (Arthur Weasley)
2200 [00:04:44] "Okay. We don't want to be late. " (Amos Diggroy)
2300 [00:04:45] "Come on. Nearly there now. Get yourself into a good position. " (Arthur Weasley)
2400 [00:04:51] "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" (Harry Potter)
manky: 汚らしい、みすぼらしい2500 [00:04:53] "That isn't just any manky old boot, mate." (Fred Weasley)
2600 [00:04:54] "It's a portkey." (George Weasley)
2700 [00:04:55] "Time to go." (Amos Diggroy)
2800 [00:04:56] "What's a portkey?" (Harry Potter)
2900 [00:04:58] "Ready, after three? One, two,...." (Amos Diggroy)
3000 [00:05:02] "Harry." (Arthur Weasley)
3100 [00:05:02] "...three." (Amos Diggroy)
3200 [00:05:14] "Let go, kids." (Arthur Weasley)
3300 [00:05:15] "What?" (Hermione Granger)
3400 [00:05:16] "Let go." (Arthur Weasley)
3500 [00:05:30] "I'll bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?" (Arthur Weasley)
sinus: 洞sinus-clearing: 鼻がスッキリする
3600 [00:05:34] "Total shambles, as per usual." (Amos Diggroy)
as per usual: いつもどおり、恒例によりshamble: よろよろ歩き
3700 [00:03:36] "Thanks. " (Harry Potter)