0100 [01:21:24] "It's so easy for them to get to you. You were bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realize who you are, Harry. " (Hermione Granger)
0200 [01:21:31] "I know who I am, Hermione, all right. " (Harry Potter)
0300 [01:21:34] "Sorry." (Harry Potter)
0400 [01:21:37] "Lav, come on, Of course I'll wear it. " (Ron Weasley)
0500 [01:21:40] "That's my Won-Won." (Lavender Brown)
0600 [01:21:45] "Excuse me, I have to go and vomit. " (Hermione Granger)
0700 [01:22:06] "I'd like to know where you get your information. More knowledgeable than half the staff, you are. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
0800 [01:22:15] "Sir, is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?" (Tom Riddle (11 years))
0900 [01:22:19] "Now, Tom, I couldn't tell you if I kew, could I? By the way, thank you for the pineapple. You are quite right. It is my favorite. But how did you know?" (Professor Horace Slughorn)
1000 [01:22:31] "Intuition. " (Tom Riddle (11 years))
Intuition: 直感1100 [01:22:37] "Oh, gracious. It is that time already. Off you go, boys, or Professor Dippet will have us all in detention. Look sharp, Tom. Don't be caught out of bed after hours. Is something on your mind, Tom?" (Professor Horace Slughorn)
after hours: 営業時間終了後に、勤務時間後に、閉店後に (ここでは「消灯時間後」でしょう)Look sharp.: 気をつけろ、急げ
Oh, gracious.: Goodness gracious! は驚きを著す表現で、goodness を省略してしまったものと思われます。(gracious は 恵み深い、慈悲深い、風流ない、親切な、丁寧な、腰の低い)
1200 [01:22:54] "Yes, sir. See, I couldn't think anyone else to go to. The other professors, well, they are not like you. They might misunderstand." (Tom Riddle (11 years))
1300 [01:23:09] "Go on. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
1400 [01:23:12] "I was in the library the other night, in the restricted section, and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic. I thought perhaps you could illuminate me. It's called, as I understand it,...." (Tom Riddle (11 years))
illuminate: 啓発する、啓蒙する1500 [01:23:33] "I beg your pardon? I don't know anything about such things, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you. Now, get out of here at once and don't let me ever catch you mentioning it again. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
and ˈdon't ˈlet me ever ˈcatch you ˈmentioning it again.: 「アンドウンレメヴァキャチョメンショネンゲタゲン」のようになります。1600 [01:23:46] "Confused? I would be surprised if you weren't. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1700 [01:23:50] "Well, I don't understand. What happened? " (Harry Potter)
1800 [01:23:53] "This is perhaps the most important memory I have collected. It is also a lie. This memory has been tampered with by the same person whose memory it is, our old friend, Professor Slughorn. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
tamper with: 改ざんする1900 [01:24:06] "But why would he tamper with his own memory?" (Harry Potter)
2000 [01:24:08] "I suspect he's ashamed of it. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
be ashamed of: 恥ずかしく思っている2100 [01:24:10] "Why?" (Harry Potter)
2200 [01:24:11] "Why indeed? I asked you to get to know Professor Slughorn and you have done so. Now I want you to persuade him to divulge his true memory. Anyway you can." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
divulge: 打ち明ける2300 [01:24:22] "I don't know him that well, sir. " (Harry Potter)
2400 [01:24:29] "This memory is everything. Without it we are blind. Without it we leave the fate of our world to chance. You have no choice. You must not fail. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
leave 〜 to chance: 〜を成り行きに任せる、一か八かにかける2500 [01:24:53] "I highly recommend to reacquaint yourselves with the chapter on antidotes. I'll tell you more about bezoars in our next class. Right, off you go. Alys, don't forget your rat tail. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
antidote: 解毒剤bezoar: 胃石
reacquaint oneself with: 〜になれる
2600 [01:25:06] "Aha, if it isn't the prince of potions himself. What do I owe this pleasure?" (Professor Horace Slughorn)
if it isn't: 〜じゃないか2700 [01:25:13] "Oh, sir, I wondered if I might ask you something. " (Harry Potter)
2800 [01:25:15] "Ask away, dear boy, ask away." (Professor Horace Slughorn)
ask away : どんどん話す2900 [01:25:17] "Well, you see, the other day, I was in the library in the restricted section. And I came across something rather odd about a very rare piece of magic. " (Harry Potter)
3000 [01:25:25] "Yes, and...what was this rare piece of magic? " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
3100 [01:25:28] "Well, I don't know. I...I can't remember the name exactly. But it just got me wondering, are there some kinds of magic you are not allowed to teach us?" (Harry Potter)
3200 [01:25:37] "I'm Potions Master, Harry. I think your question'd better be posed to Professor Snape. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
pose: 持ちかける、提出する3300 [01:25:41] "Yes. Um,...he and I don't exactly see eye to eye, sir. What I mean to say is, well, he is not like you. He might misunderstand. " (Harry Potter)
3400 [01:25:54] "Yes. There can be no light without the dark. And so it is with magic. Myself, I always strive to live within the light. I suggest you to do the same. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
strive: 努力する3500 [01:26:04] "Is that what you told Tom Riddle, sir, when he came asking questions?" (Harry Potter)
3600 [01:26:13] "Dumbledore put you up to this, didn't he?" (Professor Horace Slughorn)
put someone up to 〜: 人をそそのかして〜をさせる3700 [01:26:18] "Didn't he?" (Professor Horace Slughorn)
3800 [01:26:27] "Yes? On, it's...it's you, Potter. Oh, I'm...I'm sorry. I'm busy at the moment. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)