0100 [01:48:48] "...laid to rest. And his wand snapped in two, which was sad." (Professor Horace Slughorn)
0200 [01:48:48] "...laid to rest. And his wand snapped in two, which was sad." (Rubeus Hagrid)
0300 [01:49:03] "I had him from an egg, you know. Tiny little thing he was when he hatched. No bigger than a Pekinese. A Pekinese, mind you. " (Rubeus Hagrid)
Pekinese: ペキニーズ犬0400 [01:49:10] "How sweet. I once had a fish. Francis. He was very dear to me. One afternoon I came downstairs, and he'd vanished. Poof." (Professor Horace Slughorn)
dear: 愛おしい、可愛いpoof: パッと消える、フッといなくなる
vanish: 姿を消す
0500 [01:49:22] "It's very odd, isn't it?" (Rubeus Hagrid)
0600 [01:49:23] "It is, isn't it.But that's life, I suppose. You...you go along and then suddenly...poof. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
go along: 進んでいく、続けていく0700 [01:49:34] "Poof." (Rubeus Hagrid)
0800 [01:49:36] "Poof." (Harry Potter)
0900 [01:49:52] "It was a student who gave me Francis. One spring afternoon, I discovered a bowl on my desk...with just a few inches of clear water in it. And floating on the surface was a flower petal. As I watched, it sank. Just before it reached the bottom, it transformed to a wee fish. It was beautiful magic. Wondrous to behold. The flower petal had come from a lily. Your mother. The day I came downstairs, the day the bowl was empty was the day your mother.... I know why you are here. But I can't help you. It would ruin me. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
behold: 見守る、注視するpetal: 花びら
ruin: 破壊する
wee: ちっちゃな
wondrous: 驚くべき
1000 [01:51:04] "Do you know why I survived, professor, the night I got this? Because of her? Because she sacrificed herself? Because she refused to step aside? Because her love was more powerful than Voldemort? " (Harry Potter)
1100 [01:51:20] "Don't say his name. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)
1200 [01:51:21] "I'm not afraid of the name, Professor. I'm going to tell you something. Something others have only guessed at, it's true. I am the chosen one. Only I can destroy him, but in order to do so, I need to know what Tom Riddle asked you all those years ago in your office and I need to know what you told him. Be brave, Professor. Be brave like my mother. Otherwise, you disgrace her. Otherwise, she died for nothing. Otherwise the bowl will remain empty forever. " (Harry Potter)
1300 [01:52:14] "Please, don't think badly of me when you see it. You have no idea what he was like even then. " (Professor Horace Slughorn)