0100 [00:37:52] "Oh, Harry, you got my message. Come in. How are you?" (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
0200 [00:37:57] "I'm fine, sir. " (Harry Potter)
0300 [00:37:59] "Enjoying your classes? I know Professor Slughorn is most impressed with you." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
0400 [00:38:05] "I think he overestimates my abilities, sir. " (Harry Potter)
0500 [00:38:07] "Hmm, do you?" (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
0600 [00:38:09] "Definitely. " (Harry Potter)
0700 [00:38:12] "What about your activities outside the classroom?" (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
0800 [00:38:16] "Sir?" (Harry Potter)
0900 [00:38:16] "Well, I notice you spend a great deal of time with Miss Granger. I can't help wondering if...." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1000 [00:38:21] "Oh, no...no, I mean, she is brilliant, and we are friends, but no. " (Harry Potter)
1100 [00:38:25] "Forgive me. I was merely being curious. But enough chitchat. You must be wondering why I summoned you here tonight. The answer lies here. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
chitchat: 雑談、世間話summon: 呼び出す
1200 [00:38:40] "What you are looking at are memories. In this case, pertaining to one individual, Voldemort、or as was known then, Tom Riddle. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
pertain: 関係する1300 [00:38:53] "This vial contains the most particular memory of the day I first met him. I'd like you to see it if you would. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
vial: 小瓶1400 [00:39:43] "I must admit some confusion upon receiving your letter, Mr. Dumbledore. In all the years Tom's been here, he's never once had a family visitor. There have been incidents with other children. Nasty things." (Mrs. Cole)
1500 [00:39:58] "Tom, you have a visitor. " (Mrs. Cole)
1600 [00:40:01] "How do you do, Tom. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
1700 [00:40:11] "Don't. " (Tom Riddle (11 years))
1800 [00:40:20] "You are the doctor, aren't you?" (Tom Riddle (11 years))
1900 [00:40:22] "No. I'm a professor. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
2000 [00:40:27] "I don't believe you. She wants me looked at. They think I'm different." (Tom Riddle (11 years))
look at: 調べる、検査する2100 [00:40:34] "Well, perhaps they are right. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
2200 [00:40:36] "I'm not mad. " (Tom Riddle (11 years))
2300 [00:40:37] "Hogwarts is not a place for mad people. Hogwarts is a school. A school of magic. You can do things, can't you, Tom? Things other children can't. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
2400 [00:40:57] "I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me. I can make them hurt...if I want. Who are you?" (Tom Riddle (11 years))
mean: 意地悪な2500 [00:41:16] "Well, I'm like you, Tom. I'm different. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
2600 [00:41:22] "Prove it." (Tom Riddle (11 years))
2700 [00:41:31] "I think there is something in your wardrobe trying to get out, Tom. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
I ˈthink there is ˈsomething in your ˈwardrobe ˈtrying to get ˈout, ˈTom. : 「アセンケアサムセンネヨウォアヂゥロウブチュラエントゥゲラウトム」のようになりますwardrobe: 衣装タンス
2800 [00:41:45] "Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts, Tom. At Hogwarts, you will be taught not only how to use magic, but how to control it. You understand me?" (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
thievery: 窃盗tolerate: 大目に見る、許す、許容する
2900 [00:42:00] "I can speak to snakes, too. They find me. Whisper things. Is that normal for someone like me?" (Tom Riddle (11 years))
3000 [00:42:32] "Did you know, sir...then?" (Harry Potter)
3100 [00:42:36] "Did I know I'd just met the most dangerous dark wizard of all time? No. If I had, I.... Over time, while here at Hogwarts, Tom Riddle grew close to one particular teacher. Can you guess who that teacher might be?" (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
3200 [00:42:54] "You didn't bring Professor Slughorn back simply to teach Potions, did you, sir?" (Harry Potter)
3300 [00:42:58] "No, I did not. You see, Professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly. And he will not give it up easily. " (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
dearly: 非常に、心から3400 [00:43:05] "You said Professor Slughorn would try to collect me. " (Harry Potter)
3500 [00:43:08] "I did." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
3600 [00:43:09] "Do you want me to let him?" (Harry Potter)
3700 [00:43:12] "Yes." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)