0100 [01:03:44] "Expelliarmus." (girl)
0200 [01:03:46] "Expelliarmus. " (Cho Chang)
0300 [01:03:49] "Expelliarmus." (girl)
0400 [01:03:54] "Expelliarmus. " (Neville Longbottom)
0500 [01:04:00] "Fantastic, Neville. Well done, man." (Harry Potter)
0600 [01:04:06] "So, that's it for this lesson. Now, we are not going to be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And...and well done, everyone. Great, great work. " (Harry Potter)
as best one can: できるだけon one's own: 自力で、単独で、独力で
that's it: これでおしまいだ、以上だ
we are not going to be ˈmeeting: going to は「ガナ」のように発音します。強勢は ˈmeeting だけにあるので「ウィアナガナベミーティン」
0700 [01:04:23] "Well done, mate. " (Ron Weasley)
0800 [01:04:24] "Thanks. " (Harry Potter)
0900 [01:04:31] "See you after Christmas. " (girl)
1000 [01:04:42] "See you in the Common Room, Harry." (Hermione Granger)
1100 [01:04:45] "Thanks a lot, Harry." (Neville Longbottom)
1200 [01:04:46] "No worries. " (Harry Potter)
No worries.: お礼に対して No worries. と言ったときには「いえいえ。」、「どういたしまして。」です。1300 [01:04:46] "All right, Harry, thank you." (girl)
1400 [01:04:49] "Marry Christmas. Marry..." (Harry Potter)
1500 [01:04:50] "Thank you so much. " (girl)
1600 [01:04:51] "Not at all." (Harry Potter)
1700 [01:04:53] "Thank you. Merry Christmas. " (Harry Potter)
1800 [01:04:56] "Marry Christmas." (Harry Potter)
1900 [01:04:56] "Have a good Christmas, Harry. " (Luna Lovegood)
2000 [01:04:58] "Have a great Christmas, Luna. " (Harry Potter)
2100 [01:04:59] "We've been thinking, Harry. We could always slip Umbridge some Puking Pastilles into her tea. " (George Weasley)
pastille: トローチpuke: 吐く、戻す
slip: そっと渡す、こっそりと与える
2200 [01:05:03] "Or Fever Fudge. They give you these massive pus-filled boils right...." (Fred Weasley)
boil: 腫れ物、おできfudge: やわらかいアメ
massive: 重度の、巨大な
pus: 膿
2300 [01:05:05] "Sounds great, guys. Would you excuse me?" (Harry Potter)
2400 [01:05:18] "Are you all right? I heard Umbridge gave you a rough time the other day. " (Harry Potter)
2500 [01:05:23] "Yeah. I'm okay. Anyway, it's...it's worth it." (Cho Chang)
2600 [01:05:33] "It's just...it's just, learning all this makes me wonder whether if he'd known it...." (Cho Chang)
2700 [01:05:40] "Cedric. Cedric did know this stuff. He was really good. It's just Voldemort was better." (Harry Potter)
2800 [01:05:53] "You are a really good teacher, Harry. I've never been able to stun anything before. " (Cho Chang)
I've never been able to ˈstun anything before.: 強勢は ˈstun の一箇所なのでほかは弱く曖昧に連続して早口に発音されます。「アエヴネヴァヴェネイヴォウタスタネネセンベフォァ」のようになります。I've never been able to という言い回しもよく使われるので、これをひとかたまりにして慣れておくと良いでしょう。stun: 気絶させる、驚かせる
2900 [01:06:07] "Mistletoe. " (Cho Chang)
Mistletoe: ヤドリギ。クリスマスシーズンにはヤドリギの下で相手にキスをする習慣がある。3000 [01:06:12] "Probably full of Nargles, though." (Harry Potter)
3100 [01:06:15] "What are Nargles?" (Cho Chang)
3200 [01:06:17] "I have no idea. " (Harry Potter)
3300 [01:06:39] "Well, how was it? " (Ron Weasley)
3400 [01:06:43] "Wet. I...I mean she was sort of crying. " (Harry Potter)
3500 [01:06:46] "That bad at it, are you?" (Ron Weasley)
bad at: 〜がヘタで (最初の You are が省略されています。that は「泣かせるほどそんなに下手だったんだ」というニュアンスです。)3600 [01:06:48] "I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory. " (Hermione Granger)
3700 [01:06:53] "Cho spends half her time crying these days. " (Hermione Granger)
3800 [01:06:56] "Think a bit of snogging would cheer her up. " (Ron Weasley)
snog: 抱擁しながらキスをする3900 [01:06:59] "I don't think you understand how she must be feeling? Well, obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric and therefore confused about liking Harry and guilty about kissing him. Conflicted because Umbridge is threatening to sack her mom from her job at the Ministry and frightened of failing her OWLs. Because she's so busy worrying everything else. " (Hermione Granger)
conflicted: 精神的な葛藤を抱えたsack: 首にする
4000 [01:07:21] "One person couldn't feel all that. They'd explode. " (Remus Lupin)
explode: 爆発する4100 [01:07:24] "Just because you've got the emotional range of teaspoon." (Hermione Granger)