0100 [00:45:40] "Your attention, please. " (Professor McGonagall)
0300 [00:45:46] "Let the feast begin." (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
feast: 宴会、ごちそう0500 [00:46:18] "Say, Percy, who is that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" (Harry Potter)
0600 [00:46:23] "Oh, that's Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house. " (Percy Weasley)
0700 [00:46:26] "What's he teach?" (Harry Potter)
after: 欲しがって、下心を持ってfancy: 好む、気にいる
potion: 液状で服用する薬・毒、もっぱら魔法使いや錬金術師の調合する薬
0900 [00:46:37] "Ahh." (Ron Weasley)
1000 [00:46:38] "Hello. How are you? Welcome to Gryffindore. " (nearly headless Nick)
1100 [00:46:52] "Whoo-hoo-hoo." (far friar)
1200 [00:46:54] "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha." (the bloody barron)
1300 [00:46:56] "Hey, look, it's the Bloody Barron." (girl)
1400 [00:47:05] "Hello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" (Percy Weasley)
dismal: 憂鬱な、散々の1600 [00:47:17] "I know you. You are Nearly Headless Nick." (Ron Weasley)
1700 [00:47:20] "I prefer Sir Nicholas, if you don't mind. " (nearly headless Nick)
1800 [00:47:23] "Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?" (Hermione Granger)
1900 [00:47:26] "Like this. " (nearly headless Nick)
2000 [00:47:29] "Ahh." (Ron Weasley)
2100 [00:47:37] "Gryffindors, follow me, please. Keep up. Thank you. " (Percy Weasley)
2200 [00:47:41] "Ravenclaw, follow me. This way." (boy)
dormitory: 寮、寄宿舎keep an eye on: 目を離さない
staircase: 階段
2400 [00:48:04] "Keep up, please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on." (Percy Weasley)
2500 [00:48:10] "Seamus, the picture is moving. " (Neville Longbottom)
2600 [00:48:13] "Look at that one, Harry." (Ron Weasley)
2700 [00:48:14] "I think she fancies you. " (Harry Potter)
fancy: 気に入る、好む2800 [00:48:18] "Oh, look. Who is that girl?" (girl)
2900 [00:48:21] "Welcome to Hogwarts." (man in painting)
3000 [00:48:26] "Who's that?" (girl)
3100 [00:48:39] "Password?" (woman)
3200 [00:48:41] "Caput Draconis." (Percy Weasley)
caput: (ラテン語)頭caput draconis: (ラテン語)ドラゴンの頭
3300 [00:48:49] "Follow me, everyone. Keep up. Quickly, come on. " (Percy Weasley)
3400 [00:48:57] "Gather around, here. " (Percy Weasley)
common room: 談話室dormitory: 共同の寝室
3600 [00:49:08] "You'll find all your belongings have already been brought up. " (Percy Weasley)
belonging: 持ち物、所有物
ホグワーツでは新年度を祝う宴会 (feast) が催され、その後、生徒たちは各々の寮へ案内されます。