Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 6 [00:21:55] "They are goblins, Harry. Clever as they come, goblins are not the most friendly of beasts. Best stay close." (Hagrid)
as they come: とてもgoblin: ゴブリン、小鬼
They are ˈgoblins, ˈHarry.
They are の部分は本当に弱く短く曖昧になっていますね。
Clever as they come,
〜 as they come (あるいは as 〜 as they come) は「非常に〜だ」とか「ずば抜けて〜だ」という意味があります。
goblins are not the most friendly of beasts.
the most 〜 of … は 「…の中でも最も〜だ」です。
Best stay close.
You’d (You had) best stay close. を短縮したものです。