0100 [00:03:50] "Up. Get up. " (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
0200 [00:03:55] "Now." (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
0300 [00:04:10] "Wake up, cousin, we are going to the zoo. " (Dudley Dursley)
0400 [00:04:24] "Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy. " (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
0500 [00:04:28] "Happy birthday, son." (Uncle Vernon Dursley)
0700 [00:04:36] "Yes, Aunt Petunia." (Harry Potter)
0800 [00:04:37] "I want everything to be perfect...for my Dudley’s special day." (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
0900 [00:04:44] "Hurry up. Bring my coffee, boy. " (Uncle Vernon Dursley)
1000 [00:04:46] "Yes, Uncle Vernon. " (Harry Potter)
1100 [00:04:50] "Aren’t they wonderful, darling?" (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
1200 [00:04:55] "How many are there?" (Dudley Dursley)
1300 [00:04:56] "Thirty-six. Counted them myself. " (Uncle Vernon Dursley)
1400 [00:04:59] "Thirty-six? But last year...last year, I had thirty-seven." (Dudley Dursley)
quite a bit: 相当、かなり1600 [00:05:04] "I don’t care how big they are." (Dudley Dursley)
1800 [00:05:16] "This will be a lovely day at the zoo. I’m really looking forward to it. " (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
1900 [00:05:27] "I’m warning you, now, boy. Any funny business, any at all, and you won’t have any meals for a week. Now, get in." (Uncle Vernon Dursley)
2000 [00:05:47] "Make it move." (Dudley Dursley)
2100 [00:05:53] "Move. " (Uncle Vernon Dursley)
2200 [00:05:55] "Move. " (Dudley Dursley)
2300 [00:05:56] "He is asleep. " (Harry Potter)
2400 [00:05:58] "He is boring. " (Dudley Dursley)
2600 [00:06:15] "Can you hear me?" (Harry Potter)
2700 [00:06:21] "It’s just...I’ve never talked to a snake before. Do you...I mean...do you talk to people often?" (Harry Potter)
2800 [00:06:32] "You are from Burma, aren’t you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family? " (Harry Potter)
2900 [00:06:40] "I see. That’s me as well. I never knew my parents either. " (Harry Potter)
3100 [00:06:52] "Whoa, ahh, ahh. Ahh…. Ahh." (Dudley Dursley)
3200 [00:07:14] "Thanks. " (snake)
3300 [00:07:16] "Anytime." (Harry Potter)
3400 [00:07:21] "Snake." (man)
3500 [00:07:39] "Mum. Mummy." (Dudley Dursley)
3600 [00:07:40] "Ahh." (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
3700 [00:07:40] "Mum, help...help me…." (Dudley Dursley)
3800 [00:07:42] "My darling boy. How did you get in there?" (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
3900 [00:07:46] "Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake...is there a snake?" (Aunt Petunia Dursley)
Chapter 1 では英語の音声についてたくさんのことを説明しました。
Chapter 2 以降では聞き取ることが難しいだろうと思われる箇所について解説をしていきたいと思います。