0200 [00:50:23] "That was bloody brilliant." (Ron Weasley)
if 〜 were to: もし仮に〜するとしたら0400 [00:50:33] "We got lost." (Harry Potter)
incantation: まじない、呪文subtle: 繊細な
bewitch: 魔法をかける、とりこにする
ensnare: 誘惑する
possess: 所有する
predisposition: 素因、体質、素質
select few: 選ばれた少数、少数精鋭
glory: 栄光、名誉
stopper: 止めるもの、妨害物
formidable: 恐怖心を起こさせる、素晴らしい
asphodel: アスフォデル (ユリ科の一種で黄泉の国に咲く)
celebrity: 有名人
infusion: 浸出液
wormwood: よもぎ
bezoar: 胃石 (反芻動物の胃腸内で未消化のまま固まったもの)
1200 [00:52:12] "I don't know, sir. " (Harry Potter)
1300 [00:52:14] "And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?" (Professor Snape)
monkshood: トリカブトwolfbane: トリカブト
1400 [00:52:19] "I don't know, sir." (Harry Potter)
1500 [00:52:23] "Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?" (Professor Snape)
1600 [00:52:35] "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water into rum." (Seamus Finnegan)
1700 [00:52:42] "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water into rum." (Seamus Finnegan)
1800 [00:52:44] "What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water? " (Harry Potter)
1900 [00:52:46] "Turn into rum. Actually managed to a weak tea yesterday, before.... " (Ron Weasley)
weak: 味の薄い、水っぽい2000 [00:52:56] "Ah, mail's here." (Ron Weasley)
2100 [00:53:35] "Can I borrow this?" (Harry Potter)
2200 [00:53:37] "Thanks. " (Harry Potter)
2300 [00:53:41] "Hey, look, Neville's got a remembrall." (Seamus Finnegan)
2500 [00:53:49] "The only problem is I can't remember what I have forgotten." (Neville Longbottom)
acknowledge: 認めるbreach: 城壁などを突破すること
2700 [00:54:06] "The vault in question, number seven one three, had in fact been emptied earlier that very same day." (Harry Potter)
2800 [00:54:12] "That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to." (Harry Potter)