
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Chapter 28 [02:07:30] "Yes. He does seem the type, doesn't he? But next to him, who would suspect, p-p-p...poor st-t-t-t-t...stuttering Professor Quirrell?" (Professor Quirrell)

stutter: どもる

クィレル先生のこのセリフで he はスネイプ先生のことです。

Yes, he does seem the type, doesn’t he?



But next to him, who would suspect, p-p-p…poor st-t-t-t-t…stuttering Professor Quirrell?

stutter は「どもる」です。


もちろん、「クィレル教授を疑うやつなんでいるわけがない。」ということです。next to him は「スネイプを差し置いて」です。

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